Caintra NL has signed an agreement with the government of Santa Catarina with the aim of promoting the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Juan Pablo García, general director of Caintra NL, highlighted that this agreement will allow them to work together to promote the well-being of the municipality, the residents of Santa Catarina, foster business growth, the creation of more businesses and better-paid jobs, and ultimately, boost social mobility.
Under this agreement, Caintra NL has committed to providing training and advisory services to entrepreneurs and business owners in Santa Catarina. The topics covered by this advisory include preparing effective business pitches and scripts, as well as guidance on tax procedures, among other key aspects for the development of SMEs in the region.
On its part, the government of Santa Catarina will collaborate by providing facilities to increase investments in the area. Moreover, it commits to actively participating in promoting relevant events organized by the chamber, such as Expo Pyme. Additionally, it will integrate Caintra into the municipal advisory councils, strengthening collaboration between the business sector and local authorities for the economic and social development of the region.